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Freddy Castro Gonzalez defeated Robin Sundlöf in gruelling fight!



Robin Sundlöf Freddy Castro Muay Thai For Life 3.0

Robin Sundlöf (left) and Freddy Castro Gonzalez (right) clashed at Muay Thai For Life 3.0. Photo: Chris Önnerby

In the MTFL 3.0 barn burner co-main event, Freddy Castro Gonzalez just faced local fan favourite Robin Sundlöf. The two fighters are two of Scandinavia’s best super lightweights, both with outstanding records.

The first round started at a furious pace. Castro was active with good boxing and relentless pressure. The second round continued at the same high pace. Castro was busy with solid boxing combinations.

In the final round, the Stockholm fighter used his good movement to land a solid left. Sundholm landed heavy shots in the last minute.

In the end, Castro stood as the winner by split decision.

“I feel fucking great,” he said. “Robin is a true warrior.”

Read more: Nicholas Bryant puts on a fantastic perfomance at MTFL 3.0!

Read more: Muay Thai For Life lands groundbreaking broadcast deal with major streaming service DAZN

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