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Swedish Rankings: Top 10 MMA bantamweights in Sweden



Swedish MMA Rankings

Swedish MMA Rankings for bantamweights. Photo: Chris Önnerby and via Instagram (@felipelimamma)

The Official Swedish MMA Rankings is the only ranking system focusing on Swedish MMA, with rankings for each pro division, as well as unique amateur’s pound-for-pound rankings.

OKTAGON champion Felipe Lima is still on top of the exciting bantamweight class. He’s scheduled to face his rival Jonas Mågård in July for his first title defense.

We also find a bunch of new blood in the top 10.

Spanish FCR bantamweight champion Hecher Sosa bursts into the No. 4 spot, while AFN champion Mark Vologdin, who represents Allstars Training Center, enters the rankings at No. 6.

After winning his pro debut in style, with a first-round KO at AFN 6, the former Swedish National Team member Sebastian Palacio Gomez enters the rankings at No.10.

Check out the bantamweight rankings below!

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Swedish MMA Rankings – Bantamweight (135 lbs – 61,2 kg):

1. Felipe Lima
2. Ali Taleb +1
3. Bernardo Sopai -1
4. Hecher Sosa *NR
5. Bartosz Wojcikiewicz -1
6. Mark Vologdin *NR
7. Bilal Tipsaev -2
8. Amir Malekpour -2
9. Karlen Minasian -2
10. Sebastian Palacio Gomez *NR

The Official Rankings are determined by an overall assessment of each individual fighter’s ability, performances, merits, results, level of opposition and recent activity.

Swedish MMA fighters, athletes with close ties to Sweden, fighters residing in Sweden and/or representing Swedish gyms as well as champions of Swedish fight promotions are eligible to be ranked.

Read more: Swedish Rankings: Top 10 MMA flyweights in Sweden

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