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Combat sports profile launches Viracci Sports Management: “I know what fighters need”



Viracci Sports Management

Andres Viracca. Photo via Viracci Sports Management

Käftsmällspodden’s founder Andres Viracca launches a new management on the Scandinavian fight sport scene – Viracci Sports Management.

Talking to Frontkick, the entrepreneur and combat sports enthusiast explains why the Swedish fight scene is in need of a new management with a new perspective.

“Since the collaboration with Wolf Fight Promotion didn’t happen I will now focus my energy on the fighters instead. As you all know I’ve always strived for the fighters best, and I want to give my fighters what they need. I have followed the sport closely the last three years and I see a lot of deficiency and things that need to improve,” Viracca says.

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The vision of Viracci Sports Management

Viracci Sports Management will represent fighters from different combat sports like MMA, boxing and Muay Thai. The vision is to provide matchmaking, media coverage, sponsorship deals, juridical support and help with sports psychology for their clients.

“I know what fighters need. This is something I’ve actually been doing the last few years without putting a label on it. Now I’m ready to go all the way,” Viracca says. “I want to work together with the gyms and the coaches to give fighters the best possible opportunities.”

Right now around ten fighters has signed with the management.

“To ensure that we provide high quality service to our clients, I’m currently participating in a Licensed Sport Management education.”

Read more: Meet the Swedish MMA National Team competing in the World Championships!

Read more: Boxing Guide: Every Swedish Boxing World Champion

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