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The top 20 ugliest, most boring and WORST UFC posters ever!



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worst ufc posters Frontkick

The worst ufc posters of all time.

Famed Russian author Leo Tolstoy once said: “Art is the uniting of the subjective with the objective, of nature with reason, of the unconscious with the conscious, and therefore art is the highest means of knowledge.” That is a powerful quote, emphasizing the greatness of art when done right, and implying the general garbage of art when done wrong. We previously took a look at the best UFC posters ever (a list that I highly dispute, personally), and now we decided to look at the top 20 worst!

A few quick disclaimers:

  • Art is subjective, so what works for one person may not work for another, and that’s fine! If you disagree then let us know on our sociala media post where we can surely keep a civil, respectful discourse (ha!).
  • I may not be an art critic but I have studied graphic design, material production and logo design, so I know just a little more than your average filthy casual
  • We are starting from UFC 100 and going forward, because a lot of the older UFC posters were trash, plain and simple.
  • Consider every TUF Finale poster as a dishonourable mention, they’re pretty much all terrible, cluttered messes.
  • These entries are (mostly) not that tightly ordered, but the top 10 are definitely the all time worst.

With that out of the way, let’s start the list!

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